Gstreamer on IPhone, Android, Blackberry, Nokia. How can we make it using C or D or Vala languages? Or should we just use Java or Lua?
1) Glib porting to IPhone, Android, Blackberry, Nokia is available?
For Android, there is a tips http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/wiki/GstreamerAndroid_InstallInstructions
For IPhone, no idea
For Nokia, no idea
For Blackberry, no idea
Wish someone put some answers and feedback on this topic.
I don't know much about mobile development, but your best bet would be to look into GtkD. This project provides bindings to GTK and GObject. AFAIK no D bindings to GStreamer exist yet, but calling C code from D isn't difficult. Furthermore, to compile for ARM architectures, you'll probably want to look at GDC since the reference DMD implementation only targets x86/x64.