Using csr_matrix of items similarities to get most similar items to item X without having to transform csr_matrix to dense matrix

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-24 19:07:03


I have a purchase data (df_temp). I managed to replace using Pandas Dataframe to using a sparse csr_matrix because I have lots of products (89000) which I have to get their user-item information (purchased or not purchased) and then calculate the similarities between products.

First, I converted Pandas DataFrame to Numpy array:

 df_user_product = df_temp[['user_id','product_id']].copy()
 ar1 = np.array(df_user_product.to_records(index=False))

Second, created a coo_matrix because it's known for being fast in sparse matrix construction.

 rows, r_pos = np.unique(ar1['product_id'], return_inverse=True)
 cols, c_pos = np.unique(ar1['user_id'], return_inverse=True)
 s = sparse.coo_matrix((np.ones(r_pos.shape,int), (r_pos, c_pos)))

Third, for matrix calculations, it's better to use csr_matrix or csc_matrix, so I used csr_matrix as I have the product_id(s) in rows => more effective row slicing than csc_matrix.

    sparse_csr_mat = s.tocsr()
    sparse_csr_mat[sparse_csr_mat > 1] = 1

Then, I calculated the cosine similarity between products and put the result in similarities:

import sklearn.preprocessing as pp
col_normed_mat = pp.normalize(sparse_csr_mat, axis=1)
similarities = col_normed_mat * col_normed_mat.T

Which is:

<89447x89447 sparse matrix of type '<type 'numpy.float64'>'
    with 1332945 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>

Now, I want to have at the end a dictionary where for each product, there is the 5 most similar products. How to do it? I don't want to convert the sparse matrix to a dense array because of memory usage constraints. But I also didn't know if there is a way to access the csr_matrix like we do for array where we check for example index=product_id and get all the rows where the index=product_id, that way I will get all the similar products to product_id and sort by cosine similarity value to get the 5 most similar.

For example, a row in similarities matrix:

(product_id1, product_id2) 0.45

how to filter on only the X (=5 in my case) most similar products to product_id1, without having to convert the matrix to an array?

Looking in Stackoverflow, I think lil_matrix can be used for this case? how?

Thanks for the help!


I finally understood how I can get the 5 most similar items to each products and this is by using .tolil() matrix and then convert each row to a numpy array and use argsort to get the 5 most similar items. I used @hpaulj solution suggested in this link.

def max_n(row_data, row_indices, n):
        i = row_data.argsort()[-n:]
        # i = row_data.argpartition(-n)[-n:]
        top_values = row_data[i]
        top_indices = row_indices[i]  # do the sparse indices matter?

        return top_values, top_indices, i

and then I applied it to one row for testing:

top_v, top_ind, ind = max_n(np.array([0]),np.array(arr_ll.rows[0]),5)

What I need is the top_indices which are the indices of the 5 most similar products, but those indices are not the real product_id. I mapped them when I constructed the coo_matrix

rows, r_pos = np.unique(ar1['product_id'], return_inverse=True)

But how to get the real product_id back from the indices?

Now for example I have:

top_ind = [2 1 34 9 123]

How to know 2 correspond to what product_id, 1 to what, etc?

