Setting the type of cursor on a ToolStripStatusLabel object

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-24 17:19:09


I have a StatusStrip object at the bottom of my form with a ToolStripStatusLabel object added to it. I want to change the type of mouse cursor that is displayed when one hovers over it.

How can I achieve this?


The ToolStripStatusLabel object does not have a Cursor property. In order to change the displayed cursor you must set the StatusStrip.Cursor property at run-time.

Use the label's MouseEnter and MouseLeave event to change the StatusStrip.Cursor property.


As an alternative, you can host a Label in ToolStripControlHost and add it to StatusStrip. This way you can set all Label properties including Cursor. It will act like other standard items.

var item = new ToolStripControlHost(new Label {Text= "Some Text", Cursor= Cursors.Hand});


Add the following code to your form. Then in the designer, set the event handler of MouseEnter to SetHandCursor, and MouseLeave to SetDefaultCursor.

private void SetHandCursor(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Cursor = Cursors.Hand;

private void SetDefaultCursor(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Cursor = Cursors.Default;

