I have a collection of users, that I left it open without authentication for POST so user can create accounts, now I want to restrict the access say for tests collection, the user can only create one test document, I added the auth_field to the user_id and I want to add the documents with the user_id as the field_id, at the same time use it as the auth_field, for read/write restriction.
This is my test model, I added the PUT because the user have its own ID and it should be used as the test_item id_field.
When I try to run Eve with this, I have an exception, is there a way of doing this properly, so each user request that is correctly authenticated and the auth_field is set to the user_id will work transparently ?
Thank you fir your help.
tests = {
'resource_methods': ['GET'],
'upsert_on_put': True,
'id_field': 'test_id'
'item_title': 'test',
'auth_field': 'test_id',
'item_methods': ['GET', 'PATCH', 'PUT'],
'schema': {
'test_field': {
'type': 'string',
'required': True
eve.exceptions.ConfigException: "tests": auth_field cannot be set to id_field (test_id)
Do one to one relation from users and tests collection, each user have one test, works transparently through auth_field after authentication.
You can do this 1:1 relation using a before insert event hook, if you are using User-Restricted Resource Access as you mention. Because then you will have an auth_field on documents. In my example the auth field is user_id
Your on_insert_tests
hook would be like this
from flask import current_app, abort
def check_inserted(documents):
# get ID for current user
user_id = current_app.auth.get_request_auth_value()
# find tests for the current user
collection = current_app.data.driver.db['tests']
tests = collection.find({'user_id': user_id})
if tests.count() > 0:
abort(409, 'Test already present for this account. Only one allowed.')
So when inserting the second test for the current user, it will abort.
By the way, I don't see why you are changing the ID field in tests to test_id
, instead of using the default _id