I would like convert DataTable in ObservableCollection without having a specific class in my solution. (All others solution in stackoverflow.com is with specific class.)
The reason is that the DataTable represent a Stored Procedure Result, and in the future I would like change the Stored Procedure result without any change in the application.
I can't bind directly my DataBale because I use Filter on my ModelView side, and I have an exception if I use DataTable and Filter together.
Any idea ?
The goal îs to have the same code, but without BO.Line object.
static public ObservableCollection<BO.Line> GetValues()
DataTable _dataTable = DAL.ExecuteStoredProcedure(GetStoredProcedureNameInAppConfig());
ObservableCollection<BO.Line> _list = new ObservableCollection<BO.Line>();
foreach (DataRow _dataRow in _dataTable.Rows)
_list.Add(new BO.Line() { Instrument = _dataRow["Instrument"].ToString(),
Crystal = _dataRow["Crystal"].ToString() });
return _list;
In this sample:
GetStoredProcedureNameInAppConfig() //return "GetLines"
but i would like change in my App.config (without recompile my application):
GetStoredProcedureNameInAppConfig() //return "GetPerson"
"GetLines" Stored Procedue return:
Instrument | Crystal
Instr1 | Crystal1
Instr1 | Crystal2
Instr2 | Crystal1
"GetPerson" Stored Procedue return:
FirstName | LastName | Language
Alex | Doe | ENG
Britt | Nillis | ENG
Carlo | Petro | FR
I would like convert DataTable (with variable structure) in "generic" ObservableCollection. Witout specific class.
(ObservableCollection isn't good solution for me.)
Thank you
This solution work with WPF Binding and Filter.
Thank you to http://paulstovell.com/
public class GenericObject
private readonly ObservableCollection<GenericProperty> properties = new ObservableCollection<GenericProperty>();
public GenericObject(params GenericProperty[] properties)
foreach (var property in properties)
public ObservableCollection<GenericProperty> Properties
get { return properties; }
public class GenericProperty : INotifyPropertyChanged
public GenericProperty(string name, object value)
Name = name;
Value = value;
public string Name { get; private set; }
public object Value { get; set; }
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private static ObservableCollection<GenericObject> Convert(DataTable toConvert)
ObservableCollection<GenericObject> _result = new ObservableCollection<GenericObject>();
foreach (DataRow _row in toConvert.Rows)
GenericObject _genericObject = new GenericObject();
foreach (DataColumn _column in toConvert.Columns)
_genericObject.Properties.Add(new GenericProperty(_column.ColumnName,_row[_column]));
return _result;
Thank you all for your help.