I have a service:
trait MyService extends HttpService {
def getDao(implicit dao: SomeDAO) = dao
def someRoute = path("foo") {
get {
complete(getDao getSomething)
Then, I have an actor:
class MyActor extends MyService with Actor {
override def receive: Receive = runRoute(someRoute)
def actorRefFactory: ActorRefFactory = context
My test class looks like this:
class MyServiceTest extends FlatSpec with ScalatestRouteTest with MyService with Matchers with MockFactory {
override implicit def actorRefFactory: ActorSystem = system
implicit val _dao: SomeDAO = mock[SomeDAO]
"My service" should "return something" in {
Get("/foo") ~> someRoute ~> check {
status should be(OK)
But when I run the test, the compiler complains that the implicit value for SomeDAO
cannot be found. How do I manage to get the SomeDAO
into my service? What am I missing / what am I doing wrong?
I think you're better off declaring the implicit
into someRoute
, like this:
trait MyService extends HttpService {
def someRoute(implicit dao: SomeDAO) = path("foo") {
get {
complete(dao getSomething)
It should compile and it also makes more sense that having a method just to retrieve an implicit.
The ScalatestRouteTest already provides an implicit ActorySystem. Remove the "implicit" modifier from your actorRefFactory method and the test should get executed.
this solve this problem for my code