Suppose I have a DataGridView that is loading from a TableAdapter whose content is from 2 JOINed tables, so Table C is:
SELECT A.*, B.name LEFT JOIN B ON B.id = A.b_id
No UpdateCommand is generated for this by the wizard, I know. However, if the data of the table is almost entirely from Table A, and Table B is only joined in to provide the name of data referenced by id in Table A, can I just supply my own UpdateCommand that updates Table A if the user changes a value in the DataGridView?
That is, I would like to set Table C's UpdateCommand to:
UPDATE A SET value = [[new value]] WHERE id = [[current item]]
If worse comes to worse, I can make a dialog for the user to enter their new value into and do it that way. It just seems like it would be a lot simpler to do it as above. Will that method work?
You can do exactly what you want within the confines of the DataAdapter
. You can find a good walkthrough on MSDN.
Without seeing your code, the setup of your adapter might look something like this:
var dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(
"SELECT A.*, B.name FROM A LEFT JOIN B ON B.id = A.b_id", sqlConn);
var dataAdapter.UpdateCommand = new SqlCommand(
"UPDATE A SET value = @Value WHERE id = @Id", sqlConn);
// Define the parameters to be used in the update command.
"@Value", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100, "Value_Column_Name");
new SqlParameter("@Id", SqlDbType.Int)
SourceColumn = "Id_Column_Name"