jUpgrade Extension stuck during the update to Joomla 2.5.8

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-24 12:44:18


I have problem with jUpgrade extension of Joomla.I have a website which is built in Joomla 1.5.26 and I want it to be upgrade it to Joomla 2.5.8.I am using jUpgrade.When i click on start upgrade it start and download and decompress the content but it stuck in the migration process.This snap show it better what i want to say, see below:

I have Enable the curl in xampp. And also clear my cache and restarting the server.All thing i have tried wait for it at least 30 minute but nothing happen.Can any one have a suggestion how to solve this. please help.


Did you enable the mootools in plugin manager?

Which browser you are using for this process.PLease use chrome.Because it may happen in other browsers.


first you uninstall the jupgrade then remove the tables jupgrade_categories, jupgrade_menus , jupgrade_modules, jupgrade_steps. Also remove all the tables created by new joomla, then clear the cache and install the jupgrade plugin. Click on setting button in jupgrade then set

Skip checks - yes, Enable migration debug - yes, Enable Mootools version debug - yes

Then start upgrading......

I think this will work...

