Linear interpolation: calculate correction based on 2D table

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-24 12:43:56


I try to do a thing that should be nothing more than a two-dimensional, linear interpolation but currently I fail finding the correct approach. To describe the problem a bit simplified: there is a drawing area with a size of 3000x3000 pixels where I have to draw e.g. a horizontal line. To do that I'm drawing dots or short lines from every pixel position to the next pixel position which then forms a line.

Now a correction has to be applied to the whole thing where correction information can be found in a (for this example simplified) 4 by 4 array, where every element contains a pair of coordinates describing the values after correction. So a neutral array (with no correction) would look like this:

0,0      1000,0      2000,0      3000,0
0,1000   1000,1000   2000,1000   3000,1000
0,2000   1000,2000   2000,2000   3000,2000
0,3000   1000,3000   2000,3000   3000,3000

A real correction table would contain other coordinates describing the correction to be done:

So as input data I have the coordinates of points on the line without correction, the fields values without correction and the correction data. But how can I calculate the lines points now applying the correction values to it so that a distorted line is drawn like shown in right side if the image? My current approach with two separate linear interpolations for X and Y does not work, there the Y-position jumps on a cells border but does not change smoothly within a cell.

So...any ideas how this could be done?


You have to agree on an interpolation method first. I would suggest either bilinear or barycentric interpolation. In one of my previous posts I visualized the difference between both methods.

I'll concentrate on the bilinear interpolation. We want to transform any point within a cell to its corrected point. Therefore, all points could be transformed separately.

We need the interpolation parameters u and v for the point (x, y). Because we have an axis-aligned grid, this is pretty simple:

u = (x - leftCellEdge) / (rightCellEdge - leftCellEdge)
v = (y - bottomCellEdge) / (topCellEdge - bottomCellEdge)

We could reconstruct the point by bilinear interpolation:

p2       p4
   |  o |
p1       p3

o = (1 - u) * ((1 - v) * p1 + v * p2) + u * ((1 - v) * p3 + v * p4)

Now, the same formula can be used for the corrected points. If you use the original points p1 through p4, you'll get the uncorrected line point. If you use the corrected cell points for p1 through p4, you'll get the corrected line point.

