I would like to add a custom header to a .doc file using PowerShell (I mean the actual Header, not a heading). This SHOULD work:
$Word=New-Object -ComObject "Word.Application"
$wdSeekPrimaryHeader = 1
But it doesn't. It actually does nothing that I can tell.
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong here?
Here is the code that works:
$Word=New-Object -ComObject "Word.Application"
$wdSeekPrimaryHeader = 1
Thanks again peeps!
I'm not sure the [ref] works anyway but you've got it referencing DoNotSaveChanges. wouldn't you want save changes?
I get an error on the [ref] (Argument: '1' should not be a System.Management.Automation.PSReference. Do not use [ref].) If I replace the close(..) line with:
Then I see the header