I have an Active Reports' Chart Control with a very simple graph as follows:
The graph is taking a Data Source to show the values. So far so good.
The problem is that for some cases I need to show instead of one of the values, for instance, in the above example "3.20" another label like, for instance, two asterisks * * due to some business rules. So I need instead of "3.20" to show * * only in that special case.
So my first question is:
- Is it possible to modify the data label only for one element of the graph to show another text instead the data value? (so in the above example will show * * instead of 3.20)
I think the answer is negative, (if it is possible that would save my day!) and that leads to the solution I am trying, for instance in the next example below, I want to show * * instead of 82.80 (only for the value 82.80):
So I created an Active Reports' label and I am trying to put it exactly over the data label of the graph object. But a new problem arises: I do not know the exact position (x,y) of the label I want to hide, 82.80, so I can put exactly over it the * * label to hide the value and show my asterisks. So the question is:
- If question (1) is not possible, then how can I do to show exactly over the tag of the value a label or box with my alternative tag? Is it possible to know the position using some data provided by the Chart Control object? Thank you!
here is a sample of solution for your main question:
private void detail_Format(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (DataPoint p in MyChart.Series[0].Points)
if (p.YValues[0] == 3.20)
p.Marker = new Marker();
p.Marker.Label = new LabelInfo() { Format = "**" };