so the problem I have is I have this dataset:
and it shows the businesses are doing business in the specific days. what i want to achieve is to report which businesses are added on what day. Perhaps Im lookign for some answer as:
I managed to tide up all the records using this sql:
select [Date]
,sum(cast(TradedVolume as money)) as TradedVolumSum
FROM SomeTable
group by [Date],Mnemonic,securityDesc
but I dont know how to compare each days record with the other day and export the non existence record on the following day to another table. I tired sql over partition cluase but it makes it complex. I can either use sql or Pyspark sql python combination.
could you let me how I can resolve this problem?
Below is the dataframe operation for your question you might need to tweak a little bit as I dont have the sample data for it, written the code by seeing your data, please let me know if that solves your problem:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql import Window
some_win = Window.partitionBy("securityDesc").orderBy(F.col("[date]").asc())