Error in Beanshell Sampler JMeter for parsing RegularExpressionExtractor

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-24 11:00:01


Setting below sample result in jar file

mySampleResult.setResponseData("ReturnCode" + returnCode + "EndReturnCode" ,null);

copy the jar file in lib/ext of JMeter.

Create a project where Regular expression extractor is attached to java request which calls runtest in jar file

Response string is below

ReturnCodeThu Feb 16 08:01:56 GMT 2017,Thu Feb 16 09:09:27 GMT 2017,0:1:7:31,98.74105EndReturnCode

Regular Expression Extractor

Reference Name: returnValue
Regular Expression: ReturnCode(.*?)EndReturnCode

Beanshell Code


Error in Beanshell

Response message: org.apache.jorphan.util.JMeterException: Error invoking bsh method: eval  In file: inline evaluation of: ``  try {     Thu Feb 16 08:01:56 GMT 2017,Thu Feb 16 09:09:27 GMT 2017,0:1:7:31,9 . . . '' Encountered "16" at line 4, column 13.

Please let me know that why I am getting this error.


Your ${returnValue}statement is syntaxically incorrect, you need at least to surround it with quotation marks like "${returnValue}" so Beanshell interpreter would treat it as a Java String

Going forward, just putting this statement inside the Beanshell Sampler doesn't make any sense, you should add some further processing, i.e:

  • return "${returnValue}"; - will set Beanshell Sampler result to this value
  • SampleResult.setResponseData("${returnValue}".getBytes()); - the same as above but using SampleResult shorthand
  • print("${returnValue}"); - output the value to STDOUT
  •"${returnValue}"); - output the value to jmeter.log file

See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component for more information on using Beanshell in JMeter scripts


If you want to just print the value to JMeter log file, use method and using vars.get.

BeanShell Code:"returnValue " + vars.get("returnValue"));


Way access to JMeter variable from Beanshell is different from what you've been supposed.

You're going to use "vars" built-in Beanshell object (or variable, if you like).

whatsActuallyReturned = vars.get("returnValue");
vars.put("returnValue", "whatever I want to put instead");

