I'm trying to get started with Microsoft Moles in order to be able to mock my extension methods, but I'm falling short.
I've successfully installed Moles on my workstation, but when I go to my test project (a class library project referencing NUnit, not an MSTest project), navigate down through References, right-click the assembly I want to stub (NHibernate in this case) and click "Add moles assembly...", the NHibernate.moles file shows up in an entirely different project in my solution. It's only content is
<Moles xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/moles/2010/">
<Assembly Name="NHibernate" />
This doesn't seem to get me anywhere. I expected to be able to follow this screencast from Dime Casts to get started, but I don't have the "Moles and Stubs for Testing" item template shown in the screencast.
I don't seem to be able to get anywhere from here. What do I need to do to get those templates? And why does the moles "assembly" end up in the wrong project? How do I proceed from here to be able to start using Moles?
The mole assemblies don't show up at the beginning in your References folder. Build the project, click "Show All Files" and you'll see a MolesAssemblies folder containing your generated Mole assemblies.