Is it possible to one method into another file in nodejs and express?

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-24 10:51:00


how can I use one method into entire project is it possible? If it's possible please help me with detail.

Thanks Advance


As an example its your log.js file.You can use module.exports to export a function like this

module.exports.log = function (msg) { 

Now if you want to import it in ,suppose app.js file.Just do something like this.

var msg = require('./Log.js');// the path is important here 

msg.log('Hello World');

In above example you are exporting log function ,import it with the way I told and you can use it anywhere you want (after requiring).

Better have a look at the docs too.

You can also use ES6 export and import,something like below

export function log(){ } // exports named function log
import { log } from '..filepath/filename'

MDN docs ,describe it elaborately.

