PHP: Need to convert imagemagick command to php script

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-24 10:36:23


I use this command to batch modify images for a site. They need to be this size to suit the theme.

Now I also want to use these images in Facebook Ads, but they have to be resized. The command I use (which works fine) is:

for i in `ls -1 *.jpg`; do convert $i -fuzz 10% -trim +repage -resize 980x1200 -background white -gravity center -extent 980x1200 $i; done

Now I need to make a PHP script that does the same, but also returns the image as response.

I came up with the following:


/* Create the object and read the image in */
$im = new Imagick("image.jpg");

/* Trim the image with 10% fuzz */

/* Repage */
$im->setImagePage(0, 0, 0, 0);

/* Resize */

/* Add Borders*/

/* Output the image */
header("Content-Type: image/" . $im->getImageFormat());
echo $im;

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work. All it does is return a black rectangle (which looks like the right dimensions as used in the script).


First error I get when running this code:

PHP Warning: Imagick::setgravity() expects parameter 1 to be integer, string given in resize.php on line 18

Try using imagick::GRAVITY_CENTER instead.

Next issue, Imagick::resizeImage() and Imagick::setImageExtent() expect parameters in width, height order.

Finally, try setting a non-zero value like 1 for blur on Imagick::resizeImage() to resolve the black image issue.

I'm not sure how you are trying to get a border, but you may want to look at Imagick::borderImage().

I don't know if that will solve all your problems, but it should get you a lot closer!


/* Create the object and read the image in */
$im = new Imagick("image.jpg");

/* Trim the image with 10% fuzz */

/* Repage */
$im->setImagePage(0, 0, 0, 0);

/* Resize */
$im->resizeImage(628, 1200, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);

/* Add Borders*/
$im->setImageExtent(628, 1200);

/* Output the image */
header("Content-Type: image/" . $im->getImageFormat());
echo $im;


you can run commands in php using " shell_exec(your command) ". Try once this may works for you. Refer

