ActiveMQ: Publish Messages in bulk, persistent, but not async?

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-24 10:04:52


is it possible to store a large amount of messages in bulk? I want to send them sync, persistent, but to get speed very much at one time.

I am using NMS, the .net version of the java-framework. But if you only know how to do this in java, it would even help. Maybe I can find a solution for .net more easier.

I thought of things like transactions. But I only got transactions to work for consumers, not for producers.


Conventional wisdom used to suggest that if you wanted maximum throughput when sending in bulk, then you should a SESSION_TRANSACTED acknowledgement mode and batch all of the message sends together with a .commit().

Unfortunately, here's a benchmark showing this not to be the case and that are you better off just sending them as normal without transactions. If you are already using transactions, then it may make sense to try and batch them.

My advice here also is that unless you are dealing with messages that are extremely time sensitive, the rate at which you produce isn't going to be that big of a deal - you should be more concerned with bandwidth as opposed to speed of message sends. If you don't mind your messages being out of order you can have multiple producers produce these messages to a given destination... or if you need them in order use multiple producers and then a resequencer after they are in the broker.

