I have a massive JSON setup file that I use with one of my projects. I would like to write some documentation and validation rules via a JSON schema so the edition of this file is easier for someone who's not familiar with it.
I want to be able to open the json setup file in Eclipse and have autocomplete for the json properties via intellisense. I also want to see the documentation comments for any json setup property when the mouse is over it.
I can't find any kind of documentation about this feature. Is this possible with eclipse?
I will answer my own question, cause I found the way to do it pretty easy and works quite well.
· Having a test.json file which contains the setup of your project which you want to get autocomplete features on
· Having a c:\test.schema.json file which contains the schema for your setup file
The steps to activate this feature on eclipse are:
1- Open eclipse
2- go to "Window > Preferences: JSON > JSON Catalog"
3- add a new entry with "test.json" as the file and "file:/c:/test.schema.json" as the URL
4- enable syntax and schema validation under "Window > Preferences: JSON > JSON Files > Validation"
5- Apply the changes
6- Open the test.json file with eclipse and check that ctrl + space performs autocomplete
The only tedious part of this process that I've found is that every time the json schema file gets modified, you have to go again to "Window > Preferences: JSON > JSON Catalog" and apply the changes again to refresh the new values