Good day to everyone!
I'm creating a web app using Angular.js 1.5, Google Authentication (gapi) and UI router.
My main goal is to initialize GoogleUser at the first place, using resolve method from the main abstract state:
.state('app', {
templateUrl: 'layout/app-view.html',
resolve: {
googleAuth: function (User:UserService) {
return User.initCurrent();
which at that point works pretty well - it injects UserService, and call its initCurrent() method, that returns a promise which will be fullfiled once current user will be initialized. Here is UserService concise code:
class UserService implements UserInterface {
public current:GoogleUser;
private _GoogleAuth:GoogleAuthService;
private _AppConstants;
constructor(GoogleAuth:GoogleAuthService) {
this._GoogleAuth = GoogleAuth;
initCurrent():ng.IPromise<GoogleUser> {
return this._GoogleAuth.getCurrentUser().then((current) => {
this.current = current;
return this.current;
In its turn initCurrent() receive a promise from getCurrentUser() that will be fulfilled once the gapi will be loaded and GoogleAuth instance will be initialized. For that I've created a GoogleAuthService:
class GoogleAuthService implements GoogleAuthServiceInterface {
public googleAuth;
private _AppConstants;
private deferGoogleAuthInit:ng.IDeferred<any>;
constructor(AppConstants, $log, $q:ng.IQService) {
this._AppConstants = AppConstants;
this.deferGoogleAuthInit = $q.defer();
gapi.load('auth2', () => {
client_id: AppConstants.googleClientId,
cookiepolicy: 'single_host_origin'
}).then((googleAuth) => {
this.googleAuth = googleAuth;
this.deferGoogleAuthInit.resolve('GoogleAuth Initialized');
getCurrentUser() {
return this.deferGoogleAuthInit
.promise.then(() => {
return this.googleAuth.currentUser.get()
The problem: When I'm not using resolve method to initialize user, and do all the same via console: getting UserService instance, initCurrentUser and etc. everything works fine: signIn/signOut, getting current User and etc. But when I initialize current User inside resolve method, attempt to signOut causes the following error message:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'postMessage' of null
But at the same time all services are injecting properly and I'm receiving a proper user instance, although I cannot reSignIn it. What would you suggest?