I'm using coreplot on ios and have a scatterplot. Is it possible to vary the line style depending on the point being plotted? I've only found how to set it for the whole plot.
Yes. Make sure your graph delegate conforms to CPScatterPlotDelegate
by implementing -symbolForScatterPlot:recordIndex:
. Here's a working implementation which returns a different symbol for the index which matches _selectedIndex
- (CPPlotSymbol *)symbolForScatterPlot:(CPScatterPlot *)plot recordIndex:(NSUInteger)index
CPMutableLineStyle *symbolLineStyle = [CPMutableLineStyle lineStyle];
symbolLineStyle.lineColor = [CPColor blackColor];
CPPlotSymbol *plotSymbol = [CPPlotSymbol ellipsePlotSymbol];
plotSymbol.lineStyle = symbolLineStyle;
if (_selectedIndex != NSNotFound && index == _selectedIndex)
plotSymbol.symbolType = CPPlotSymbolTypeDiamond;
plotSymbol.size = CGSizeMake(12, 12);
plotSymbol.fill = [CPFill fillWithColor:[CPColor redColor]];
plotSymbol.symbolType = CPPlotSymbolTypeEllipse
plotSymbol.size = CGSizeMake(8, 8);
plotSymbol.fill = [CPFill fillWithColor:[CPColor greenColor]];
return plotSymbol;