Display cross domain content in IFrame (IE8)

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-24 07:39:49


I realized that IE8 does not allow links from cross domains to be displayed in IFrame. It seems like there are only two Header options that Microsoft allows to modify.

  1. X-FRAME-OPTIONS : "DENY" (This does not display any IFrame content )

  2. X-FRAME-OPTIONS : "SAMEORIGIN" (Displays content from the same domain)

Is there a work around to allow content from other domains to be displayed?

Thanks in advance


Point your source to an internal, dynamic (server-generated) page that simply proxies the external web page. I.E. You hit src="myContent.asp", and you get www.google.com, or equivalent.

