MKStorekit isFeaturePurchased returns NO after calling restorePreviousTransactionsOnComplete

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-24 03:39:20


I'm trying to implement a restore purchase button for a non-consumable product using the excellent MKStoreKit.

I've got the folliwing code on the restore button:

[[MKStoreManager sharedManager] restorePreviousTransactionsOnComplete:^{
    [_priceLabel completeWithText:NSLocalizedString(@"App restored :)", @"")];

} onError:^(NSError *error) {
    [_priceLabel completeWithText:NSLocalizedString(@"Unable to restore", @"")];

the completion block gets called correctly, but when I call

[MKStoreManager isFeaturePurchased:@""]

I get a NO. Feel like I am missing something obvious?


If yours is a subscription product, you should use isSubscriptionActive


If this is in sandbox, which I assume it is - Apple actually expire subscriptions within about 30 seconds, even if they're supposed to last a month.

So initially you may get a that the subcription is active, but later (and by later I mean soon after), the answer will change from Apple.

