PHP variable variables in .NET

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-24 03:39:05


Does .NET natively support anything similar to PHP's variable variables?

If not, how1 could such a feature be most easily implemented?

1 If you think variable variables are always bad, feel free to state your case but the main question is: how can they be implemented?


This is a feature deeply embedded in dynamic languages. C# has its roots as a static, object-oriented language, and up to C# 3.0 this means no luck accomplishing what you want in any proper way. However, C# 4.0/.NET 4.0 introduces the dynamic keyword, which allows variables to be dynamically typed, as in PHP. Unfortunately, although this is a leap forward in the path of C# becoming a static/dynamic hybrid language, it is missing the crucial eval function that almost every dynamic language has. With the rumoured compiler-as-a-service feature of C# 5.0/.NET 5.0, this will effectively be introduced (though the internal behaviour would not be the same). Until then, there's no decent solution short of the hack of using a Dictionary to store variable names.


Why not just use a Dictionary ?

Dictionary<string,string> stuffHash = new Dictionary<string,string>();

string varname = "TheNameOfTheVar";
string value = "foo";

stuffHash[varname] = value;

No actual need to do this ugly thing.


.Net does not support "variable variables" natively - probably mainly because it is a [strongly typed language][1].

However, it does have support for dynamically creating instances of a type, at runtime, which could be used to accomplish similar behaviors as the PHP variable variables.


No, none of the .NET languages support anything like this. This could be implemented by one of the compiler teams but I doubt they would ever do it.

As to how this could be implemented by you (not by the C# compiler team) would be to store all of your variable variables in a Dictionary<String,Object> - this would allow you to associate a string with an object.

I have never really understood what problem is solved by variable variables (in other words, I have never heard a good argument for needing to use them). I would be interested to see an example where they were needed as I would imagine it wouldn't be too hard to find a better approach to solving the problem without variable variables.

