Prevent AngularJS modal from closing based on logic inside the modal controller

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-24 03:21:23


Is there a way to prevent the an AngularJS modal from closing/dismissing in the controller logic of the modal?

What I want is to show a warning when the users closes the modal and the form inside the modal contains unsaved data.

I've tried searching for a before close event or something else I could use in the official documentation, but no luck so far.


You can watch the 'modal.closing' event, broadcasted to the modal's scope, like this:

.controller('modalCtrl', function($scope, $modalInstance) {

  $scope.$on('modal.closing', function(event, reason, closed) {
      var r = prompt("Are you sure you wanna close the modal? (Enter 'YES' to close)");

      if (r !== 'YES') {

The first parameter is the event, which you can preventDefault() to prevent it from closing.

The second parameter is the reason (whatever is passed to the $close() method)

The third parameter is a boolean indicating whether the modal was closed or dismissed.

Here a working plunker

I don't know when this was added, but currently it is mentioned in the official documentation.


If you set backdrop: 'static' in your modalInstance, solve the problem?

Like this:

var modalInstance = ${
  backdrop: 'static',

Then, you need only control the ngClick button responsible to close the modal.

Hope this helps.

UPDATE 1 [only more info]

Use keyboard: false for disable Escape:

var modalInstance = ${
  backdrop: 'static',
  keyboard: false


I researched and found an option. In your modal controller, use:

$modalInstance.result.then(function (e) {
}, function (e) {
    //called before modal close


var modalInstance = ${
  templateUrl: templateUrl,
  controller: modalController

function modalController($scope, $modalInstance){

... //your code

  $modalInstance.result.then(function (e) {
  }, function (e) {
      //called before modal close

... //your code


But you need a way to not continue the events for to close the modal. Or allow user save the data before close modal. That's what got so far.


Check this.


This will stop the backdrop from triggering a $modal.close event:

   // ... other options
   backdrop  : 'static',
   keyboard  : false

The keyboard's ESC key can still close the modal, so if you want to diable that use keyboard: false

