How do I make WIF use RSA15 when encrypting data using a certificate?

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-24 03:14:14


I have been working on a WCF service which will return a Base64 encoded string which is, in reality, a full SAML response XML document. Because this information will be handed off to a vendor, I have to meet their requirements for how the SAML document will look and be encoded. I am having trouble getting an output which meets their requirements.

I know WCF and WIF together should help me. I originally built the service using WIF to create the SAML Assertions (token) and other C# code to generate the final SAML document. All of this works and meets the vendor's requirements except for the <EncryptedData> node of the document. This section uses AES256 and RSAOAEP but the vendor wants AES128 and RSA15. Thus, I am hunting for a resolution. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here is a walk through.

The service takes in a GUID which is used to call the database and return fields. These are then used like so:

DataTable userData = GetDataForUser(userId);
List<Claim> claims = new List<Claim>()
    new Claim("ClientId", "NameOfClient")
foreach (DataRow row in userData.Rows)
    string memberId = row["MemberId"].ToString().Trim();
    string firstName = row["FirstName"].ToString().Trim();
    string lastName = row["LastName"].ToString().Trim();
    DateTime dob = Convert.ToDateTime(row["DateOfBirth"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

    claims.Add(new Claim("MemberId", memberId));
    claims.Add(new Claim("FirstName", firstName));
    claims.Add(new Claim("LastName", lastName));
    claims.Add(new Claim("DOB", dob.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")));

return claims;

I then create a SecurityTokenDescriptor like this:

SecurityTokenDescriptor descriptor = new SecurityTokenDescriptor();

The claims are added to the descriptor like so:

descriptor.Subject = new ClaimsIdentity(claims);

The descriptor is instructed to encrypt the token like this:

descriptor.EncryptingCredentials = GetEncryptingCredentials();

and the GetEncryptingCredentials() routine looks like this:

private EncryptedKeyEncryptingCredentials GetEncryptingCredentials()
    // Get the Encrypting Certificate
    X509Certificate2 encryptCert = CertificateHelper.FindSingleCertificate(StoreName.TrustedPeople, StoreLocation.LocalMachine, X509FindType.FindBySubjectDistinguishedName, "<<certificate stuff here >>", true);

    EncryptedKeyEncryptingCredentials encryptingCreds = new EncryptedKeyEncryptingCredentials(encryptCert);

    return encryptingCreds;

All of this generates a token which, when written to a file gives me this:

  <EncryptedAssertion xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">
    <xenc:EncryptedData Id="_16584ace-9f3e-4352-9fc9-f6db8b2e925c" Type="" xmlns:xenc="">
      <xenc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm="" />
      <KeyInfo xmlns="">
        <e:EncryptedKey xmlns:e="">
          <e:EncryptionMethod Algorithm="">
            <DigestMethod Algorithm="" />
            <o:SecurityTokenReference xmlns:o="">
                  <X509IssuerName><!-- value --></X509IssuerName>
                  <X509SerialNumber><!-- value --></X509SerialNumber>
            <e:CipherValue><!-- value -->CipherValue>
      <xenc:CipherData><xenc:CipherValue><!-- value --></xenc:CipherValue>

Great, right? Nope. The vendor needs the <EncryptedData> section to have the following child node:

<EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""/>

And they need the <KeyInfo><EncryptedKey> section to show this:

<EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""/>

I have tried every combination I can think of within the GetEncryptingCredentials() routine. Nothing has produced the desired results. The most promising error message I receive looks like this:

ID4178: The EncryptingCredentials provided in the SecurityTokenDescriptor is for an asymmetric key. You must use an EncryptedKeyEncryptingCredentials to encrypt the token.

Anyone have a suggestion? Don't be afraid to tell me to start all over. That's all right. I just need to get this to work.

Thanks in advance.


I found a solution which works. At least, it generates the XML as I need it to and the vendor has said they are able to use what I am sending them.

I rewrote the GetEncryptingCredentials() routine slightly. It now looks like this:

private EncryptingCredentials GetEncryptingCredentials()
    string keyWrapAlgorithm = SecurityAlgorithms.RsaV15KeyWrap; //"";
    string encryptionAlgorithm = SecurityAlgorithms.Aes128Encryption; //"";
    int keySize = 128;

    X509Certificate2 encryptCert = CertificateHelper.FindSingleCertificate(StoreName.TrustedPeople, StoreLocation.LocalMachine, X509FindType.FindBySubjectDistinguishedName, _settings.EncryptingCredentials, true);

    EncryptingCredentials encryptingCredentials = new EncryptedKeyEncryptingCredentials(encryptCert, keyWrapAlgorithm, keySize, encryptionAlgorithm);

    return encryptingCredentials;

Just thought I would let everyone know and close the loop on this.

