silverstripe Sitetree onAfterWrite - renderWith Error: Template not found

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-24 02:59:10


for the automated generation of pdfs from the page content I want to use the renderWith function within onAfterWrite in the Page Class (later with DOMPDF the PDF will be generated from the returned HTML):

public function onAfterWrite() {
public function renderPdf() {
    return $this->renderWith(array('Pdf'));

There is always this Error returned when saving the Page: None of these templates can be found in theme 'mytheme':

The Template exists for sure and calling the Function renderPdf via a Template works perfectly. This is a bit weird. (ss 3.1.1)

many thanks, florian

EDIT: maybe it is related to 3.1, I just tested in 3.0.5. without any issues. In a clean 3.1.2 install I was able to reproduce the error.


Where is your template located exactly? Have you tried to put it under the 'templates' folder, and not under 'Layout' or 'Includes'? In your case, I would try to move that file here: /themes/mytheme/templates/ As you are calling for a standalone template (so not alongside 'Page' for example), the .ss file should be accessible as a 'root' template, as opposed to a layout template.

