Database First with Bridge Table, How to Keep It Out of Model

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-24 02:12:34


I am trying to find out how I can make a bridge table entity, used for a many to many relationship, transparent to my model. I am using EF Database First.

Tables in question...(simplified)

- ReportId INT PK
- ReportName VARCHAR(50)

- GroupId INT PK
- GroupName VARCHAR(50)

 - ReportId INT PK
 - GroupId INT PK

Current Class Structure...(simplified)

public class Report
     public int ReportId { get; set; }
     public string ReportName { get; set; }
     public IList<ReportGroup> ReportGroups { get; set; }

public class Group
     public int GroupId { get; set; }
     public string GroupName { get; set; }
     public IList<ReportGroup> ReportGroups { get; set; }

public class ReportGroup
     public int ReportId { get; set; }
     public Report Report { get; set; }
     public int GroupId { get; set; }
     public Group Group { get; set; }

Using the above, to get the groups that a Report belongs to requires something like this...

// Getting a report's groups
var report = this.ReportService.GetReportById(123456);
var groups = report.ReportGroups.Select(x => x.Group).ToList();

That's not exactly something I want to be using throughout my application. Ideally, I'd like the bridge table and Entity (ReportGroup) to be transparent, allowing me to work with the entities like this...

// Getting a report's groups
var report = this.ReportService.GetReportById(123456);
var groups = report.Groups;

// Getting a group's reports
var group = this.ReportService.GetGroupById(1);
var reports = group.Reports;

So my question is whether this is possible with EF Database First, and if so, how do I wire this up correctly using the Fluent API in OnModelCreating().

Thanks in advance for the help.


You if use ReportGroup just for relations you don't need this POCO class just map it OnModelCreating:

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new GroupMap());

public class GroupMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<Group>
        public GroupMap()
            // Relationships
            this.HasMany(e => e.Reports)
              .WithMany(set => set.Groups)
              .Map(mc =>

