I've built a Chrome extension that captures screen activity and microphone input and outputs a video file. Since chrome.desktopCapture
can't record audio input alongside screen capture, I'm getting the mic in its own, separate stream. So:
//get screen stream
chrome.desktopCapture.chooseDesktopMedia(['screen'], null, (stream_id, opts) => {
let constraints = {video: mandatory: {
chromeMediaSource: 'desktop',
chromeMediaSourceId: stream_id
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints).then((stream) => {
video_stream = stream;
//get mic stream
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({audio: true}).then((stream) => {
audio_stream = stream;
Then, later, when I've got both streams, before I start recording I merge them by creating a master stream and add the respective tracks from the separate video and audio streams to it.
let master_stream = new MediaStream(video_stream);
And ultimately, when I end up with a video file, this works GREAT. I get screen and mic.
Question: Why does this technique NOT work if I ask Chrome to ALSO record system sound?
So if I change ['screen']
to ['screen', 'audio']
, with everything else the same, I end up with no mic in the resultant video.
If I output getTracks()
on master_stream
, here's what I get:
0: MediaStreamTrack {kind: "audio", id: "9ee3ee33-73ee-41e4-957c-d6fd3aaada43", label: "System Audio", enabled: true, muted: false, …}
1: MediaStreamTrack {kind: "audio", id: "ab2429a1-7f75-48f2-9ee1-6a4bfd7ca942", label: "Default - Microphone (Samson Meteor Mic) (17a0:0310)", enabled: true, muted: false, …}
2: MediaStreamTrack {kind: "video", id: "4ecb1929-31d0-4a79-8cbc-1a8759323c3b", label: "screen:0:0", enabled: true, muted: false, …}
I can't see an obvious cause as to why adding system audio kills mic audio in the resultant output. Anyone any ideas?