Creating custom commands in flask needs access to the app, which is generally created in app.py
like this:
import click
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def create_user(name):
However, in order not to bloat my app.py, I want to put my custom commands in a separate file e.g. commands.py
, but this doesn't work because the entrypoint to my project is app.py
, so I'll have to import app in commands.py
and import my commands in app.py
which results in a circular import error.
How can I create custom commands in separate files ?
One way to achieve this would be using blueprints
I have tested it using Flask 1.1.1, so be sure to check the documentation of the correct version that you have.
Here is the general idea:
- Create one or more Blueprints in a different file, let's say it's called commands.py
- Then import the new blueprints and register them to your app
==> app.py <==
from flask import Flask
from commands import usersbp
app = Flask(__name__)
# you MUST register the blueprint
==> commands.py <==
import click
from flask import Blueprint
usersbp = Blueprint('users', __name__)
def create(name):
""" Creates a user """
print("Create user: {}".format(name))
Upon executing flask users
you should get a response like the following:
flask users
Usage: flask users [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
create Creates a user