How can i get the admins user id of a page in facebook using grapg API .?
For eg: This will give the details of page KFC
"id": "126380033352",
"name": "I Love KFC",
"picture": "http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/50510_126380033352_4943708_s.jpg",
"link": "http://www.facebook.com/Official.KFC",
"likes": 543485,
"category": "Food/beverages",
"username": "Official.KFC",
"founded": "1929",
"about": "KFC United Kingdom. Finger Lickin' Good.",
"can_post": true,
"talking_about_count": 8965,
"type": "page"
I need to get the user id of the page admin..? I have checked the permissions but i dont know how to get that .?
First: User must be a admin of that page.
With "manage_pages" permission, request GET https://graph.facebook.com/[PAGE_ID]?fields=access_token
In response will get a Page admin access_token.
Now use the page admin access_token to request GET https://graph.facebook.com/[PAGE_ID]/admins
In response you will get the list of admins, their id and usernames.
Reference: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/page/
You cannot get all admin users of the app but you can test any uid.
Firstly you need to grant 'manage_pages' permission then query page_admin table. FQL implementation for current user looks as following:
$isAdmin = false;
$hasManagePerm = false;
$responses = $facebook->api('fql', 'GET', Array('q' => Array(
'hasManagePerm' => 'SELECT manage_pages FROM permissions WHERE uid=me()',
'isAdmin' => 'SELECT 1 FROM page_admin WHERE uid=me() AND page_id=' . APP_FB_ID,
foreach ((Array)$responses['data'] as $response) {
if($response['name'] == 'hasManagePerm') {
$hasManagePerm = !empty($response['fql_result_set'][0]['manage_pages']);
} else if($response['name'] == 'isAdmin') {
$isAdmin = !empty($response['fql_result_set']);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
if(empty($hasManagePerm)) {
throw new AdminPanelAccessRestrictedException("perm");
if(empty($isAdmin)) {
throw new AdminPanelAccessRestrictedException("admin");
WHERE APP_FB_ID - an application id
If you don't like the Graph objects, you can always use FQL
fql?q=SELECT uid, page_id, type FROM page_admin WHERE page_id = {pageId}
returns this:
"data": [
"uid": "6905135096",
"page_id": "{pageId}",
"type": "ATHLETE"
"uid": "14408356540",
"page_id": "{pageId}",
"type": "ATHLETE"
"uid": "51936644133",
"page_id": "{pageId}",
"type": "ATHLETE"
"uid": "7230226073",
"page_id": "{pageId}",
"type": "ATHLETE"
@Sarim's link of '/admins' is deprecated after Graph API 2.1.
FB Graph API 2.2 and above use '/roles'