I am creating a java application using DynamicReports and JasperReports.
While trying to show the JasperReportBuilder, I get this error:
DEBUG DefaultExtensionsRegistry - Instantiating extensions registry for system.f
ont.families using factory class net.sf.dynamicreports.jasper.base.JasperSystemF
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0"
Exception: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException thrown from the UncaughtExceptionHandler in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0"
I am truly at a lack of ideas here. I am using JDBC-ODBC bridge to get an Access database (the query works). My piece of code (basically creating the report and the columns dynamically) :
JasperReportBuilder report = report();
StyleBuilder titleStyle = stl.style(boldCenteredStyle)
report.title(cmp.horizontalList().add(cmp.image("resources/icon.jpg").setFixedDimension(80, 80)
, cmp.text("Gestion de rapports").setStyle(titleStyle)
, cmp.text(rapportSelect.getNomListe()).setStyle(titleStyle).setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT))
Iterator it = rapportSelect.getMappingColonnes().entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry pair = (Map.Entry)it.next();
report.columns(col.column((String)pair.getKey(), (String)pair.getValue(), type.stringType()));
String sqlQuery = rapportSelect.getSqlQuery() + " ";
Statement stmt = GestionDbAdapter.getInstance().get().createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlQuery);
The whole application is very big, so I only put a piece of my code (which I slightely cleaned for stackoverflow). Please advise me if you want more code.
I'm assuming that you've got a similiar problem just like me. I've got 2 kind of deployments (no web scenario):
- Application deployment with all dependent JARs in separate files
- Standalone deployment with all JARs packed into one single jar ("jar-with-dependencies")
The second scenario doesn't execute properly and aborts with the same error at the same location as you described.
The reason was that several dependent JasperReport JARs contain a properties file with the same name at the same location on default package level: jasperreports_extension.properties
In the selfcontained JAR scenario they overwrite each other. Finally, there's only one jasperreports_extension.properties
and therefore some key-value pairs are missing for a working JasperReport.
Collect all jasperreports_extension.properties
files and aggregate their contents into one single jasperreports_extension.properties
. Make sure that your deployment gets this special file instead of the original ones. I found duplicate jasperreports_extension.properties
files in following dependent artifacts:
- jasperreports-6.2.2.jar
- jasperreports-fonts-6.0.0.jar
- dynamicreports-core-4.1.1.jar
- dynamicreports-googlecharts-4.1.1.jar