When I run rspec, I get the following message:
The next major version of capybara-webkit will require at least version 5.0 of Qt. You're using version 4.8.6.
I was not aware I was using Qt, so know nothing of the implications of upgrading it.
How do I upgrade it and what precautions should I take before doing so?
equaleffect's comment above led me to ImNaN answer, i.e.
Comment out the capybara and capybara-webkit gems from your gemfile. Then:
gem uninstall capybara-webkit
gem uninstall capybara # if it complains about dependencies 'gem uninstall' them first
brew remove qt
brew remove qt5 # if you've been playing around
From a clean environment (restart your terminal):
brew install qt5
brew linkapps qt5
brew link --force qt5
Uncomment capybara and capybara-webkit in the gemfile and then:
bundle install