I am using the Jython 2.5.3 PythonInterpreter
class to evaluate some simple scripts but when I need to import any non-core modules I get an exception. Do I have to add some jython library jars in the CLASSPATH?
Narrow-down code that demonstrates the problem:
import org.python.core.*;
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;
public class JythonTest {
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
String scriptA = "import json"; // "import datetime" fails as well
PythonInterpreter pi = new PythonInterpreter();
PyCode code = pi.compile(scriptA);
PyObject result = pi.eval(code);
Running the above with only jython-2.5.3.jar in the CLASSPATH fails with the following trace:
[java] ImportError: No module named json
[java] at org.python.core.Py.ImportError(Py.java:304)
[java] at org.python.core.imp.import_first(imp.java:755)
[java] at org.python.core.imp.import_module_level(imp.java:837)
[java] at org.python.core.imp.importName(imp.java:917)
[java] at org.python.core.ImportFunction.__call__(__builtin__.java:1220)
[java] at org.python.core.PyObject.__call__(PyObject.java:357)
[java] at org.python.core.__builtin__.__import__(__builtin__.java:1173)
[java] at org.python.core.imp.importOne(imp.java:936)
[java] at org.python.pycode._pyx0.f$0(<script>:2)
[java] at org.python.pycode._pyx0.call_function(<script>)
[java] at org.python.core.PyTableCode.call(PyTableCode.java:165)
[java] at org.python.core.PyCode.call(PyCode.java:18)
[java] at org.python.core.Py.runCode(Py.java:1275)
[java] at org.python.core.__builtin__.eval(__builtin__.java:484)
[java] at org.python.core.__builtin__.eval(__builtin__.java:488)
[java] at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.eval(PythonInterpreter.java:198)
[java] at JythonTest.main(JythonTest.java:10)
You seem to be using the Jython jar file that doesn't include the bundled Python files (the standard library in the /Lib
folder). I believe it should work if you use the standalone jar instead. See
- http://fwierzbicki.blogspot.se/2012/08/jython-253-final-released.html
- http://wiki.python.org/jython/InstallationInstructions