How to replace “^@” with “\r” [duplicate]

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-23 17:20:10


I have a script contains certain functions/replaces,etc..

But in my output, contains some junks like ^@.

How to replace this ^@ with a newline? with the script

This command executes in vim commandline %s/<CTRL-2>//g, but not by script


^@ is ASCII 0.

You could use:

sed 's/\x00/\n/g'


type command in vim

If you want to fix the result, you could do this in vim:


then press:


After that your command looks like: :%s/^@

Then you can continue typing:


But I think the better solution is fixing the codes which generated these chars.

in script

If you want to do it in script, there is function : nr2char() you could do nr2char(10) to get the ^@

