Strange behavior happening in Silverstripe backend?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-23 17:18:45


All of a sudden whenever I try to click into a page in the silverstripe backend it initially displays like this, I was running SS 3.2, when this started happening I upgraded to 3.2.1 to see if that would fix the issues but nope:

Sometimes it displays this error message aswell: [User Warning] Couldn't set response type to 404 because of output on line 1 of /Users/computername/Sites/themename/mysite/code/Pages/HomePage.php

If I refresh it comes right but then if I go to add something through a gridfield after I click "create" it just goes to a blank screen but it still adds to the Dataobject.

Any idea whats happening?


Sorted this. I had a space or two in front of my <?php tag on the HomePage.php - Now it is working fine :)

