AutoCompleteTextView displays it's suggestions in a dropdown in the portrait mode.I would like to display suggestions either in a dialog or in a dropdown in the landscape mode,here the EditText and the keyboard go full screen.
Which layout should I use in the Adapter to display hints as a dialog in landscape mode.
Im currently using android.R.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line
In the layout where you defined your AutoCompleteTextView use android:imeOptions=flagNoExtractUi
The flag prevents the element from going full-screen when it is rotated to landscape mode.
@vamsiampolu answer is correct but if you want to use same by using java, you can use
where itemautoTxt
is AutoCompleteTextView
hope this will helpful to others.
Firstly, set this android:imeOptions="flagNoExtractUi"
in XML.
Secondly, your dropdown may be under your keybord or above it. So it may not fit on screen - appear below or above the visible area of the screen. To fix this use android:dropDownAnchor="@id/your_view"
to pin dropdown to the required view.
Thirdly, the dropdown may not appear on some devices or may appear unstable.