Succinct way to print all lines up until the last line that matches a given pattern

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-23 08:50:08


I'm trying to find a succinct shell one-liner that'll give me all the lines in a file up until some pattern.

The use case is dumping all the lines in a log file until I spot some marker indicating that the server has been restarted.

Here's a stupid shell-only way that:

tail_file_to_pattern() {

    tail -n$((1 + $(wc -l $file | cut -d' ' -f1) - $(grep -E -n "$pattern" $file | tail -n 1 | cut -d ':' -f1))) $file

A slightly more reliable Perl way that takes the file on stdin:

perl -we '
    push @lines => $_ while <STDIN>;
    my $pattern = $ARGV[0];
    END {
        my $last_match = 0;
        for (my $i = @lines; $i--;) {
            $last_match = $i and last if $lines[$i] =~ /$pattern/;
        print @lines[$last_match..$#lines];

And of course you could do that more efficiently be opening the file, seeking to the end and seeking back until you found a matching line.

It's easy to print everything as of the first occurrence, e.g.:

sed -n '/PATTERN/,$p'

But I haven't come up with a way to print everything as of the last occurance.


Here's a sed-only solution. To print every line in $file starting with the last line that matches $pattern:

sed -e "H;/${pattern}/h" -e '$g;$!d' $file

Note that like your examples, this only works properly if the file contains the pattern. Otherwise, it outputs the entire file.

Here's a breakdown of what it does, with sed commands in brackets:

  • [H] Append every line to sed's "hold space" but do not echo it to stdout [d].
  • When we encounter the pattern, [h] throw away the hold space and start over with the matching line.
  • When we get to the end of the file, copy the hold space to the pattern space [g] so it will echo to stdout.

Also note that it's likely to get slow with very large files, since any single-pass solution will need to keep a bunch of lines in memory.


Load the data into an array line by line, and throw the array away when you find a pattern match. Print out whatever is left at the end.

 while (<>) {
     @x=() if /$pattern/;
     push @x, $_;
 print @x;

As a one-liner:

 perl -ne '@x=() if /$pattern/;push @x,$_;END{print @x}' input-file


Alternatively: tac "$file" | sed -n '/PATTERN/,$p' | tac

EDIT: If you don't have tac emulate it by defining

tac() {
    cat -n | sort -nr | cut -f2

Ugly but POSIX.


I suggest a simplification of your shell script:

tail -n +$(grep -En "$pattern" "$file" | tail -1 | cut -d: -f1) "$file"

It's substantially more concise because it:

  • Uses tail's + option to print from the given line to the end, rather than having to calculate the distance from there to the end.
  • Uses more concise ways of expressing command line options.

And it fixes a bug by quoting $file (so it will work on files whose names contain spaces).


Sed's q command will do the trick:

sed "/$pattern/q" $file

That will print all the lines until it gets to the line with the pattern. After that, sed will print that last line and quit.


This questions title and description don't match.

For the question's title, +1 for @David W.'s answer. Also:

sed -ne '1,/PATTERN/p'

For question in the body, you've already got some solutions.

Note that tac is probably specific to Linux. It doesn't seem to exist in BSD or OSX. If you want a solution that's multi-platform, don't rely on tac.

Of course, just about any solution is going to require that your data either be spooled in memory, or submitted once for analysis and a second time for processing. For exampel:


tmpfile="/tmp/`basename $0`,$$"
trap "rm $tmpfile" 0 1 2 5
cat > $tmpfile

n=`awk '/PATTERN/{n=NR}END{print NR-n+1}' $tmpfile`

tail -$n $tmpfile

Note that my use of tail is for FreeBSD. If you use Linux, you'll probably need tail -n $n $tmpfile instead.


Rob Davis pointed out to me what you said you wanted isn't what you really asked:

You said:

I'm trying to find a succinct shell one-liner that'll give me all the lines in a file up until some pattern.

but then at the very end of your post, you said:

But I haven't come up with a way to print everything as of the last occurance.

I've already gave you the answer for your first question. Here's a one line answer for your second question: Printing from a regular expression to the end of the file:

awk '{ if ($0 ~ /'"$pattern"'/) { flag = 1 } if (flag == 1) { print $0 } }' $file

A similar Perl one-liner:

export pattern="<regex>"
export file="<file>"
perl -ne '$flag=1 if /$ENV{pattern}/;print if $flag;' $file

