I am using MPAndroidChart and I have two questions:
- MPAndroid Pie Chart Remove decimal percentages
- Not show values on the Pie Chart that have values less than 10%, but show the slice; just the text should not be shown for the percentages less than 10%.
Update for version 3.0.0+
Formatting values is now done by extending the ValueFormatter
class and overriding the required methods for formatting. This is also where custom logic (e.g. only show labels for values > 10) can be inserted.
class MyValueFormatter : ValueFormatter() {
private val format = DecimalFormat("###,##0.0")
// override this for e.g. LineChart or ScatterChart
override fun getPointLabel(entry: Entry?): String {
return format.format(entry?.y)
More examples and a detailed explanation can be found in the new documentation.
With the new version (3.0.0) of MPAndroidChart, use the following method:
In the setData()
PieData data = new PieData(dataSet);
data.setValueFormatter(new DecimalRemover(new DecimalFormat("###,###,###")));
Here is the DecimalRemover class:
public class DecimalRemover extends PercentFormatter {
protected DecimalFormat mFormat;
public DecimalRemover(DecimalFormat format) {
this.mFormat = format;
public String getFormattedValue(float value, Entry entry, int dataSetIndex, ViewPortHandler viewPortHandler) {
if(value < 10) return "";
return mFormat.format(value) + " %";
ValueFormatter has been replaced with PercentFormatter