Parsing ini-File in Qt [closed]

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-23 07:04:44


I am using a custom made INI parser, for which the parameters are the form name, parent widget. The syntax looks like this:

int width = w->findchild("form_name","section_to_be_accessed_name").toInt();

I maybe a little bit wrong with the syntax, because I don't have the code with me right now. I want to add a few labels which are mentioned in page 2 of the INI file. The properties of those images are mentioned in the ini file itself. Even the absolute path,etc.

I tried multiple combinations, but it doesn't work. Can anyone give me a syntax for the same? What should be the return value here? A label, I have already created labels in Qt designer. Let's say label1. But there are many labels. Kindly let me know.


QSettings is a great class that works well for handling INI files. I would check it out. It has been optimized well, and is very robust. It also uses QVariant in a very intelligent way. It also handles "Groups" well.

// in your main, or somewhere very early in your program
qApp->setApplicationName("Star Runner");


Later when you want to access or set a setting

QSettings s;  // in windows this would be
// C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Roaming/MySoft/Star Runner.ini

Or you could specify your ini file this way to point at a specific ini file

QSettings::QSettings ( const QString & fileName, Format format, QObject * parent = 0 )

QSettings s("path/to/my/inifile.ini", QSettings::IniFormat);

And now an example of using the settings variable:

// set the setting
s.setValue("group_name/setting_name", new_value); 

// retrieve the setting
// Note: Change "toType" to whatever type that this setting is supposed to be
current_value = s.value("group_name/setting_name", default_value).toType(); 

If you want to handle nested elements and gui layouts and design, I would look at XML or JSON. Both are supported by Qt.

XML is the native way that Qt Creator stores the UI files that are created by Qt Designer.

Hope that helps.

