this may sound newb, but I have been following this tutorial for angularjs component.
I am new to components and how do I inject a constant Utils
or authService
to my component like this?
app.component('tlOverallHeader', {
bindings: {
data: '='
templateUrl: 'js/indexTimeline/components/tl_overallHeader/templates/tl_overallHeader.html',
controller: function() {
this.ms = 'tlOverallheader!'
You should be able to inject services into your component's controller just like a standalone controller:
controller: function(Utils, authService) {
this.ms = 'tlOverallheader!'
You can inject services to component controller like this:
.component('test', {
templateUrl: 'views/someview.html',
bindings: {
subject: '='
controller: ['$scope', 'AppConfig', TestController]
function TestController(scope, config) {
scope.something = 'abc';
or like this:
.component('test', {
templateUrl: 'views/someview.html',
bindings: {
subject: '='
controller: TestController
TestController.$inject = ['$scope', 'AppConfig']
function TestController(scope, config) {
scope.something = 'abc';
The accepted answer isn't minification safe. You can use the minification-safe dependency injection notation here too:
controller: ['Utils', 'authService',
function(Utils, authService) {
this.ms = 'tlOverallheader!'
For Functional style programming which utilizes Factory style services the following syntax gets the job done:
.component('myComponent', {
templateUrl: 'myTemplate.html',
controller: ['myFactory', function(myFactory){
var thisComponent = this;
thisComponent.myTemplatemsg = myFactory.myFunc();
.factory('myFactory', [ function(){
return {
myFunc: function(){
return "This message is from the factory";
A word of caution: The same component service/factory you setup for your component is also injectable (and thus accessible) anywhere else in your app including the parent scope and other component scopes. This is powerful but can be easily abused. Hence, it is recommended components only modify data within their own scope so there's no confusion on who is modifying what. For more on this see https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/component#component-based-application-architecture .
However, even the discussion in the aforementioned link only addresses the
cautionary use of the two-way-binding property value of '='
when using the bindings object. Therefore the same reasoning should apply for component services and factories. If you plan on using the same service or factory in other component scopes and/or the parent scope I recommend setting up your service/factory where your parent scope resides or where your intended congregation of services/factories reside. Especially if you have numerous components using the same service/factory. You don't want it located in some arbitrary component module of which would be hard to find.