Another “Object does not contain a definition for X”

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-23 05:41:20


I saw a lot of topics with the problem:

"Object does not contain a definition for X and no extension method X accepting a first argument of type Object"

But none of them had the solution to my problem.

Situation: I want to save 3 series of DataPoints. Therefor i made a List that holds the series:

List<OxyPlot.Series.DataPointSeries> filesToBeStored;
    public OxyPlot.Series.DataPointSeries saveAnalyseBSITotal;
    public OxyPlot.Series.DataPointSeries saveAnalyseSBSI;
    public OxyPlot.Series.DataPointSeries saveAnalyseTBSI;

In the Form.cs I call the SaveFile(...):

        for (int i = 0; i < plotSBSIBandsA.Model.Series.Count; i++)
            OxyPlot.Series.DataPointSeries sA = (plotSBSIBandsA.Model.Series[i] as OxyPlot.Series.DataPointSeries);
            OxyPlot.Series.DataPointSeries sB = (plotSBSIBandsB.Model.Series[i] as OxyPlot.Series.DataPointSeries);

            for (int j = 0; j < sA.Points.Count; j++)
                sB.Points.Add(new OxyPlot.DataPoint(sA.Points[j].X, sA.Points[j].Y));

The complete Save-Class is:

 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Linq;
 using System.Text;

 namespace BSIAnalyzer
     class SaveFile

    List<OxyPlot.Series.DataPointSeries> filesToBeStored;
    public OxyPlot.Series.DataPointSeries saveAnalyseBSITotal;
    public OxyPlot.Series.DataPointSeries saveAnalyseSBSI;
    public OxyPlot.Series.DataPointSeries saveAnalyseTBSI;

    public SaveFile(OxyPlot.Series.DataPointSeries sA)
        for (int i = 0; i < sA.Points.Count; i++)
            saveAnalyseBSITotal.Points.Add(new OxyPlot.DataPoint(sA.Points[i].X, sA.Points[i].Y));

    public SaveFile(List<OxyPlot.Series.DataPointSeries> series)
             filesToBeStored.Insert(0, saveAnalyseBSITotal);
             filesToBeStored.Insert(1, saveAnalyseSBSI);
             filesToBeStored.Insert(2, saveAnalyseTBSI);

             for (int k = 0; k < series.Count; k++)
                 filesToBeStored[k].Points.Add(new OxyPlot.DataPoint(series[k].Points.X, series[k].Points.Y));

In the forloop with te "k" i got the error.

