I want to add some custom properties on an AppointmentItem. This works perfectly for "normal" AppointmentItems.
myAppointment.ItemProperties.Add("MyId", Outlook.OlUserPropertyType.olText, false, 1);
MyId = (Outlook.UserProperty)myAppointment.ItemProperties["MyId"];
MyId.Value = myMeeting.id;
meetingId = myMeeting.id;
Even when I restart Outlook I can fetch those properties from the AppointmentItem like that:
MyId = (Outlook.UserProperty)theCurrentAppointment.ItemProperties["MyId"];
No problems so far.
Now when I use the same method in AppointmentItems which represent ONE AppointmentItem within a recurrent appointment series it either does not store or cannot retrieve the MyItem property.
Anyone any idea why it behaves differently when it is a recurring AppointmentItem?