I'm trying to replace all the HTML (including the HTML tags) with another page. What I'm trying to do is having a website acting as an app even when navigating the another page.
Here is the code :
(function($) {
Drupal.behaviors.loadingPage = {
attach: function(context,settings) {
$('a').click(function(event) {
// Create the loading icon
// ...
url: $(this).attr('href'),
success: function(data) {
I've tried several things. replaceWith() causes a jQuery error in jquery.js after deleting the HTML tag, I guess it is because it can't find the parent anymore to add the replacement.
The best result I got was with document.write(data)
. The problem is, the javascript code on the loaded page is not executed.
Anyone got a better idea ?
A better idea? Yeah, just load the new page normally by setting window.location
instead of using AJAX. Or submit a form.
Otherwise, if you want to load something to replace all of the visible content of the current page but keep the current page's script going, put all the visible content in a frame sized to fill the browser window - which, again, you wouldn't populate using AJAX.
(I like AJAX, but I don't see why you'd use it to replace a whole page.)