What I'm trying to achieve is basically local translation in Maya attached to wheels for example: Moving a car forward in it's LOCAL Z direction and the wheel would spin the same speed no matter what rotation is applied, I've got close, this is what I've done!
- Connected the parentInverseMatrix and the worldInverseMatrix of the driver into a multMatrix node.
- Connected the output of the multMatrix node into a decompose matrix node.
- Connected the outputTranslateZ from the decompose Matrix node into the driven objects rotationY. This does work! Only problem is for some reason when I rotate the driver it rotates the driven, that doesn't make much sense to me though, do you know whats happening here or how I may fix it?
Matrix: https://www.dropbox.com/s/udkevskv41ruz01/matrixTest.mb
Expression: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q7xikbw4csx8uz4/wheel.ma