I want to rename a few files using batch.
I need it to look like DD.MM.YY - # week randomname
so let's say 2.7.2013-27.week abcdefg.xls
So far I'm using
for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=/ " %%d in ("%date%") do (
rename "C:\TEST\123.xlsx" %%e%%f%%g.xlsx
which comes up with DD.MM.YYYY
and is perfect for the first part.
Can you help with the rest?
@echo off
for /F "tokens=1-5 delims=/" %%d in ("%date%") do (
set ddmmyy=%%e.%%f.%%g
set /A dd=1%%e-100, mm=1%%f-100, yy=%%g, yyM1=yy-1
rem Get Julian Day Number of today's date
if %mm% lss 3 set /A mm+=12, yy-=1
set /A a=yy/100, b=a/4, c=2-a+b, e=36525*(yy+4716)/100, f=306*(mm+1)/10, jdn=c+dd+e+f-1524
rem Subtract Julian Day Number of January/1st (get number of days in year)
set /A a=yyM1/100, b=a/4, c=2-a+b, e=36525*(yyM1+4716)/100, f=306*14/10, days=jdn-(c+1+e+f-1524)+1
rem Get number of week
set /A week=(days+3)/7+1
ECHO rename "C:\TEST\123.xlsx" "%ddmmyy% - %week%.week !random!!random!.xlsx"
Reference: http://quasar.as.utexas.edu/BillInfo/JulianDatesG.html
Windows code for GNU awk:
awk "BEGIN {print strftime(\"%U\",mktime(\"YYYY MM DD hh mm ss\"))}"
>for /f %i in ('awk "BEGIN {print strftime(\"%U\",mktime(\"2013 07 03 12 00 00\"))}"') do @echo %i
This will give you dates, week of year, and you can use !random!!random! with delayed expansion to give you a random filename.
Here's an example script - year month day sorts properly in a folder if that matters to you.
@echo off
call datetime.bat /quiet
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%a in (*.xlsx) do (
rename "%%a" "%year%.%month%.%day% - %woy%.week !random!!random!%%~xa"
Here is datetime.bat
:: date time using WSH/VBS
:: datetime.bat V4.2
:: This uses Windows Scripting Host to set variables to
:: the current date/time/day/day_number/week_of_year etc
:: for Win9x/ME/NT/W2K/XP/Vista/Win7/Win8 etc
:: Thanks go to Todd Vargo for his scripting
@echo off
set TmpFile="%temp%.\tmp.vbs"
echo> %TmpFile% n=Now
echo>>%TmpFile% With WScript
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set m1=" + monthname(month(n), true)
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set m2=" + monthname(month(n), false)
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set woy=" + CStr(datepart("ww", n))
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set year=" + CStr(Year(n))
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set yr=" + Right(Year(n),2)
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set month="+ Right(100+Month(n),2)
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set day=" + Right(100+Day(n),2)
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set hour=" + Right(100+Hour(n),2)
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set min=" + Right(100+Minute(n),2)
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set sec=" + Right(100+Second(n),2)
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set dow=" + WeekDayName(Weekday(n),1)
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set dow2=" + WeekDayName(Weekday(n))
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set iso=" + CStr(1 + Int(n-2) mod 7)
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set iso2=" + CStr(Weekday(n,2))
echo>>%TmpFile% End With
cscript //nologo "%temp%.\tmp.vbs" > "%temp%.\tmp.bat"
call "%temp%.\tmp.bat"
del "%temp%.\tmp.bat"
del %TmpFile%
set TmpFile=
set stamp=%year%-%month%-%day%.%hour%_%min%_%sec%
if not "%~1"=="" goto :EOF
echo The year is "%year%" or "%yr%"
echo The month is "%month%" "%m1%" "%m2%"
echo The day is "%day%" "%dow%" "%dow2%"
echo ISO8601 Day-Of-Week number is "%iso%" and week of year is: "%woy%"
echo The time in hh:mm:ss is "%hour%:%min%:%sec%"
echo The hour is "%hour%"
echo The minute is "%min%"
echo The second is "%sec%"
echo The date and time stamp is "%stamp%"
echo date A yyyymmdd "%year%%month%%day%"
echo date B mmddyyyy "%month%%day%%year%"
echo date C ddmmyyyy "%day%%month%%year%"
echo date D yymmdd "%yr%%month%%day%"
echo date E mmddyy "%month%%day%%yr%"
echo date F ddmmyy "%day%%month%%yr%"
:: datetime.bat