Fast way to download data:image from chromes developer tools network window?

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-23 03:42:56


I'm looking for a fast way to download all of the images that i can see in the network tab on developer tools? they come through as data:image/png;base64 links. You can open them into a new tab individually and save them manually from there but that seems to be the only way. Saving the whole webpage or a .har file dosent seem to capture them. Neither dose any addon i have tried. :/

is there a fast way to save them all? since manually doing this would take a lifetime.

Best regards, Matt


The easiest way i have found to achieve what im looking for is to: filter by images, select one of the results in the network tab, rightclick->copy->copy all as CURL(cmd). this will give you a full list of all resources you can then scrape out the data for each image and convert it to a file with a script, here is the script i made to do this:

each resource is saves as a new line as follows:



import base64

fname = "starvedump.txt"
dataToBeFound = "data:image/png;base64,"
imgext = ".png"
imgpfx = "img/img_"

with open(fname) as f:
    d = f.readlines()

d[:] = [x for x in d if dataToBeFound in x]     
d = [x.replace('curl "' + dataToBeFound, '') for x in d]
d = [x.replace("\" --compressed &\n", "") for x in d]

for i, x in enumerate(d) :
    with open(imgpfx + str(i) + imgext, "wb") as fh:


Once the images are loaded at document you can download the .har file with content at DevTools then filter the JSON as JavaScript object to create data URL's from "mimeType", "encoding" and "text" properties of response.content properties of objects within "entries" array of "log" property of .har file.

Given linked .har file, the result would be an array having .length of 17

let imgs = json.log.entries
           .map(({response:{content:{mimeType, encoding, text}}}) => 
             ? `data:${mimeType};${encoding};${text}` 
             : null)


