I am trying to sort a range of cells in python using win32com:
Code I've been using is:
sheet.Range("A1:B8").Sort(Key1=sheet.Range("B1"), Orientation=constants.xlAscending)
which is working. It sorts the range of cells by the second column:
When I want, is to sort Descending instead of Ascending:
sheet.Range("B8:A1").Sort(Key1=sheet.Range("B1"), Orientation=constants.xlDescending)
but for some weird reason, it switches the data from each column and doesn't sort the values that were initially in the second column.
I've played with a ton of different parameters types sot the sort method here but nothing seems to work. Has anyone have experience with this method and can suggest how I would get the second column sort descending?
Your orientation argument should either be: xlSortColumns = 1
or xlSortRows = 2
. See below Python script adjustment. As the Range.Sort Method shows, Order1, Order2, and Order3 takes the xlAscending = 1
or xlDescending = 2
import win32com.client
wbk = 'C:\\Path\\To\\Workbook.xlsx'
xlApp = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
xlAscending = 1
xlSortColumns = 1
Order1=xlAscending, Orientation=xlSortColumns)
xlApp = None