Dynatrace Integration with JMeter using JMeterConvert.sh

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-23 02:32:16


I'm trying to convert my JMeter script into dynatrace aware one. Dynatrace has published a tool which supposed to do it automatically.

Link to the source: https://community.dynatrace.com/community/display/DL/JMeter+Integration

./JMeterConvert.sh -source old.jmx -target new.jmx

I'm wondering if there is anyone there who has tried to do it.
After running above in terminal i end up with new script looking exactly the same - dynatrace headers are not being applied. I would be grateful to find someone who has attempted it before.


Could you post this question on our Dynatrace Discussion Form? http://answers.dynatrace.com. Or post this as a comment on the download page. The author of that conversion tool will then see your comment and can reply.



If you're looking for an up to date and simple Apache JMeter integration with Dynatrace, then have a look at the Monitoring Plugin for JMeter provided by UbikLoadPack:

  • https://ubikloadpack.com/tryout.php (select Monitoring)

This plugin allows you to integrate with:

  • Dynatrace AppMon to record Dynatrace sessions and tag Web Requests
  • Dynatrace One Agent to be able to correlate response times, other monitoring graphs and Artificial Intelligence for analysis

Disclaimer : We are providers of this solution

