I have class with QSqlDatabase and with pointer to QSqlTableModel in one class. I use pointer to QSqlTableModel, because initialization of database is going on in constructor and after that I create QSqlTableModel using this database (also in constructor but in heap already).
This class is registered type in qml and so I create it in QML. How is it better to point out TableView to the QSqlTableModel pointer of this class? If it is possible.
It is not entirely clear what you're asking. I'm going to assume you want to share a pointer to your model with QML.
Have a
for it. AllQ_PROPERTY
s are automatically visible to QML.When returning
you need to register that type, too. E.g.qmlRegisterUncreatableType<QSqlTableModel>( "NameOfModuleInQML", 1, 0, "QSqlTableModel", "Cannot instanciate QSqlTableModel from QML");
Note that you cannot do this then:
property QSqlTableModel mytabmodel
do this instead if you need to:
property QtObject mytabmodel
Return it from a method of a class registered with QML (note that you must return
). This is very likely what you want. E.g.class SomeClass : public QObject { // ... public: Q_INVOKABLE QObject *model() { return tableModel; } // ... };
Then you can do this in QML:
TableView { model: instanceOfYourclass.model() // other bindings TableViewColumn { title: qsTr("Name") role: "Name" width: 150 } // and so on }
You can create a singleton
QObject *tableModelProvider(QQmlEngine *engine, QJSEngine *scriptEngine) { (void)engine; (void)scriptEngine; return new QSqlTableModel(...); } qmlRegisterSingletonType<QSqlTableModel>("NameOfModule", 1, 0, "NameInQML", tableModelProvider);
This is a suitable approach if there is and ever will be only one instance of your model and if you don't need much to initialize it.
Set your model as a context property
QQmlEngine engine; // .. engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("nameInQml", yourTableModelInstance);