I have been hitting my head against a brick wall so it is time to seek smarter people.
I am trying to create multiple records of one model using form_tag and fields_for. I have been following all the help/issues/guides I can find but it doesn't seem to work for me. I am wondering if it something that changed going to Rails 5 but more likely it is me.
Basically I want a new/create version of the task system listed at the bottom of the api page, similar to this guys puppy creator.
The "new" page loads fine with as many records as I like, so that part is ok but it doesn't seem to be creating a collection to send through, it is just overriding and thus sending through the last set of params so only creating one record.
What I have.
# routes
resources :container_returns
# container returns controller
def new
@containers = Container.where(id: params[:container_ids])
@container_returns = []
@containers.each do |container|
@container_returns << ContainerReturn.new(
container_id: container.id,
quantity: container.amount,
uom: container.uom,
material_restriction_id: container.material_restriction_id
# new.html.erb
<%= form_tag container_returns_path, method: :post do %>
<% @container_returns.each do |container_return| %>
<%= fields_for 'returns[]', container_return, hidden_field_id: true do |cr| %>
<div class="field">
<%= cr.label :container_id %>
<%= cr.number_field :container_id %>
<div class="field">
<%= cr.label :material_restriction_id %>
<%= cr.number_field :material_restriction_id %>
<div class="field">
<%= cr.label :quantity %>
<%= cr.text_field :quantity %>
<div class="field">
<%= cr.label :uom %>
<%= cr.text_field :uom %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= submit_tag "lots of returns" %>
<% end %>
which submits
# params submitted
Started POST "/container_returns" for at 2018-10-19 11:00:48 +0200
Processing by ContainerReturnsController#create as HTML
Parameters: {
"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>[removed],
"returns"=>{"container_id"=>"405", "material_restriction_id"=>"", "quantity"=>"100.0", "uom"=>"kg"}, "commit"=>"lots of returns"
hopefully it is just something stupid that I missed.
UPDATE: if I add an index to the form it now believes me that my objects are different and sends through all the params I need.
<% @container_returns.each_with_index do |container_return, index| %>
<%= fields_for 'returns[]', container_return, index: index do |cr| %>
as mentioned in the update, if I add an ID to the initial create it builds the correct array that I was expecting. What I also found was if I send through an index position that also works.
<% @container_returns.each_with_index do |container_return, index| %>
<%= fields_for 'returns[]', container_return, index: index do |cr| %>
gives me what I was expecting
Parameters: {
"commit"=>"lots of returns"